Sep 25, 2008

Sweet Memories

Talking bout experiences, who doesn't have one. Of course, we have it but just the shape is different. Bad, good, love, sad etc is the life sugar and spice.

I don't like to talk bout love experience. I hate it, but i can't. It's a pain to forget it, furthermore when it comes to the first love. I try to be sweet, try to be a person that reliable, adorable. It seems easy,but it is not.

Well, I have tried my best, sweetest memories that ican give to her, only her. I have done these

proposed to become her BF under the moonlight at 2am

lend my ears for her problems eventhough unable to solve them

gave her red and blue roses after went back from Cameron Highland

did a gimmick during her birthday to surprise her out

said the words 'I love you' to her everyday is a must

candle light dinner once a month

watched Korean drama together and shared the feelings

shed her tears to comfort her

gave her hugs and kisses in every chance I got

But, the sweetest thing that I have done to her and still remember it;

let her go to another man for her happiness. I realize I was no more valuable in her life. Regretted but I believed, sacrificing myself for her is the most sweetest thing that I have ever done to her before she left

Sep 24, 2008

To those single

Kepada kaum yang masih single yang wujud atas muka bumi ini, jangan mengeluh dengan nasib anda. Be happy and stay single selagi masa free masih ada. Seperti kata-kata "lapang sebelum sibuk"

Well, to those that still single, I dedicate both these songs for you;

1-Love Toward Me to the Day - Ashily
2-Geu Ge Mal Ee Jyo - Tree Bicycle

Special from OST Witch Yoo Hee. Since I play it from my laptop and handset 24/7 for this whole week. (I still cannot believe myself that I am trapped in the Korean drama addiction. Damn it).

Sorry I can't post the real mp3, find them yourself thru internet. I am sure you all will love the songs as well as the lyrics.

To those single, mari melayan jiwa dan perasaan dengan Korean series ini and let yourself in fantasy. Life is dull without fantasy since the reality will hurt us a lot.

Seperti kata lecturer PCS lebih kurang;

"Don't blame yourself if you didn't got the right things now. The good things will happen to you in future if you keep on positive and keep the option open"

Let think bout this quotes made special by me for motivation;

"Single is not always negative things but those single person will feel it like negative. Couple is not always positive things but those single person will feel it like positive"

Sep 23, 2008

I need a GF

"Dude, I need to have a GF"

"Of course la, yang engkau baru terfikir sekarang nak cari GF ni what de heck? Orang lain semuanya dah lama ada, siap dah ada yang buat back up lagi"

"Bukan macam tu bro, aku tak perlukan back up. Kasihsayang aku kepadanya nanti untuk dia seorang saja"

"Well, I wanna suggest you someone, but, forget it, kau ni bukan ke alah sikit dengan perempuan ni?"

"Tu la masalahnya. Aku kurang pandai la bab2 camni anyway. But I need someone."

"Sound like you are desperate. Jangan sampai kau cari lelaki pulak"

"Sh*t, haram. Jangan sampai nanti esok keluar berita ada pelajar UTP mati termakan kaki aku nanti"

"Cool down, babe. Rileks. So, apa yang dah berlaku sampai tiba2 kau macam ni?"

"Nothing, just want to spend my kredit for her especially. Balance RM 214.63 and expired 20 September 2009! So, before my handset kena curi, at least dapat jugak merasa untuk guna kredit ni."

Sep 21, 2008

Pantun Raya

Hari raya sudah dekat,
Jalan raya mulai dibaiki,
Kuih raya sudah nak habis,


Aku tak jugak kaya raya

it is fantasy...Miss K

Please be by my side,
I'm trembling,
I will soothe you,

Like an idiot I've been hiding,
Those words "I love you",
I'll confess that I love you

Do you know,
Please don't
hide your vulnerable heart from me,
Your frozen heart will
be embraced by me

I love you

Sehelai kertas melayang jatuh ke atas meja study aku dari fail yang aku simpan khas untuk segala memori aku ketika bergelar student.

Lirik yang pernah meruntun ego lelaki aku ketika kau si dia menyerahkannya kepada aku ketika jiwa aku gundah gulana.

Fuck it. Kenapa jiwa aku masih tersentuh denga lirik ini? Kenapa kau masih aku simpan? Ternyata aku masih terkapai-kapai dalam kebutaan cinta walaupun si dia sudah lama pergi.

Dude, it is fantasy. Don't fool by it. Give your heart to no one except the one who appreciate it. Kata-kata hati yang sengaja dicipta untuk menenangkan aku.

Memandang handset, mendail nombor si dia yang masih terpahat di ingatan ku.

"Miss K, I got something yours that I need to return to you"

for you, Miss K

This sweet lyric I dedicate to you, my dear. Hopes that you have your happiness in your life. Forget me. Let me live in this darkness, in my own fantasy.

Come closer
I want to hold both of your hands
And fall asleep next to you

You’ll always be with me, my love
Know that you’re the only one in my mind

Even when you’re in my arms
I wish that time were to stop
Your bright smile
Reaches deep in my heart
The love I buried deep in my heart
I want to feel your fragrance

Always be near me
Just so that I can feel you

I’ll be with you
Always in the same place
I will gaze at you

I will live only for you, my love
Let me keep you in my heart

Always be near me
Just so that I can feel you

Come closer
I want to hold both of your hands
And fall asleep next to you

You’ll always be with me, my love
Know that you’re the only one in my mind

I’ll be with you
Always in the same place
I will gaze at you

I will live only for you, my love
Let me keep you in my heart

Sep 15, 2008

Students Fantasy Life #1

Sesungguhnya aku tiada apa yang menarik untuk diceritakan kepada orang lain. Hidup ini bagaikan berlakon dalam drama yang sangat dull. Tidak seperti cerita Korea should know better than me.

Sudah dua tiga minggu aku demam. Demam dengan melayan cerita Korea yang jiwang itu.

"Dude, jangan langsung cuba mula tengok drama Korea, nanti...well, later you know"

Nasihat yang penuh 1001 rahsia cuba disampaikan kepada aku.

Namun aku tak peduli since tiada lagi drama untuk aku tonton ketika makan malam especially.


Now I am addicted to Korean drama.

'Which Star Are You From' starts make my life miserable. The way of story start make me live in a fantasy world. Well thats fine by me.

Segan dengan karenah rumet, aku mula membuat cerita,

"Well rumet, it seems that cerita Korea ni made for me, a loner, to live in a fantasy world. You different, man. Tak perlu berfantasi romatis since you got already a girl that can be romantis of"

Haha, what a lousy idea

Menonton episod final, seperti keadaan aku di ambang perpisahan dengan orang tersayang.

Habis final episod,hatiku tercetus,

"God, please send me that girl to comfort my heart"

Damn it. I am in fantasy again.

Sep 6, 2008

Apa itu X O X O?

Zaman muda aku bukan lah seperti zaman muda kebanyakan remaja2 lain. Bersenda gurau bergembira dengan rakan rakan di ibu kota ketika cuti. Banyak istilah2 pelik yang aku tak tahu menahu

Suatu hari yang aku memang dah melupakannya, aku menerima komen pada gambar aku di Friendster. Tak banyak perkataannya. Malah komen itu dari seorang gadis yang agak comel for my taste. Tapi langsung tak kukenalinya

"Loves this photo. XOXO"

Lalu aku menatap kembali foto yang aku post itu. Setengah jam kemudian, aku membuat assumption yang tiada apa pun ang menarik mengenai seorang pemuda yang menunggang superbike, Honda CBR 600 RR.

Entah lah, dan terus menutup Friendster tanpa banyak bicara. Setengah minit kemudian aku membuka semula, dan menatap sambil tertanya-tanya, ape itu XOXO? Tapi soalan itu mati setakat itu sahaja...


Aku set status GTalk aku kepada XOXO tanpa tujuan.

Tetiba, satu private message window terbuka dan terpapar soalan

"Bro, siapa yang ko kiss n hugs tu?ooo, dah berkapel x upadte pun dgn kitorg..."
