Feb 21, 2009

Gerhana ska cinta....eh, silap gerhana matahari

Gambar diambil sekitar 26 Januari 2009. dengan bantuan 4 lapis filem yang dilampir bersama dan diletakkan di depan lens menggunakan connector (iaitu jari telunjuk sendiri) bermula jam 4.30 hingga 6.45 lebih kurang. menantikan saat2 bila bulan betul2 paralel dengang bumi dan matahari untuk membentuk ring (macam dalam citer heroes) tapi malang nye shah alam bukan tempat yagn terpilih utk fenomena dunkin donut itu. anyway, enjoice

nyesal aku layan tag, kang smue orang dah stat nak tag aku, cane aku nak siapkan final year project ni?!

The rules:
It's harder than it looks
Copy to your own note, erase my answer, enter yours and TAG 10 people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real.. nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same initial, you must use different answers.
You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Have fun!

1. What is your name
Ahmad Safwan Bin Mohd Isa

2. A four letter word?
Burn (nick gua tu beb)

3. A boy's name?
pekan (batu belah batu bertangkup)

4. A girl's name?
Reen (addeelaaaa)

5. An Occupation:
Engineer (baru lepas interview ni)

6. A color :
Pink (ehehe)

7. Something your wear :
DSLR (at neck)

8. A food :
Maggi goreng telur mata taknak sayur satu anney

9. Something found in the bathroom :
Sabun (untuk apa?untuk mandi...pandai)

10. A place :
beach (nice for silhoutette)

11. A reason for being late :
tertidur ( pastu kene halau dgn abg Kailan, bukan name sebenar, dari lab facilities)

12. Something you shout :
WTF!!! (dalam hati je atau pun tgh bising supaya tak obvious tgh menjerit)

13. A movie title :
My Boyfriend is Type B (since i am B also)

14. Something you drink :
White coffee Ice satu anney

15. A musical group :
Bunkface (long live punk)

16. A street name :
Jalan Bola Sepak (derg dah abes name dah nak letak namenye jalan)

17. A type of car:
fairlady je (recon x smpai pn 200k bai)

18. A song title :
Situasi (bunkface nyer lagu)

19. A verb :
S**k (errr...I mean sauk yang bermaksud mengumpulkan, siyes)

p/s: once again, world is save by the powerpuff burn, eh, silap tagline....once again, top ten bloggers on this blog right side were tagged, even che det pun kene update kalu tibe2 die update blog die dan placed dekat top 10....bukan senang nak tag exPM ni bai

Feb 18, 2009

first time akulayan tag...(ditag oleh mr.momo)

1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.

2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.

3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.

4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.

5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.

6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

adik aku yang ke3 last (luper ar no brape dari depan)...nombor 6 kot..haa, ye la tu. gambar diambil dengan nikon d60 set +2 exposure with flashgun fired. still nampak gelap sbb ade due faktor, adik aku tu memang gelap same mcm abgnye(aku la tu) dan satu lagi sebab flash pantul kt siling dan mencerahkan sekeliling hingga exposure kulit di ignore. time gambar diambil tu time smue org celebrate birthday aku yg ke 23 dan si aik aku ni tgh tenung kek sambil tertanya2 bila buleh makan ni!!!

p/s: dipersilakan bloggers 6 teratas dalam list di sebelah kanan ni untuk menjawab tag ini(walaupun aku tahu list ni sentaisa berubah. so, smue la kne jwb kalu derg update blog. okey ape idea aku ni)

Feb 16, 2009

photo exhibition at UTP poket D

I just participate as a one of the photo exhibitor for the CRAFT ( Creative Art Festival) held in this week at Poket D, UTP

Come and see my pictures and lots more from professional UTP photographers. Only in this week

one of my pic;

p/s: cube teke siape di sebalik bayang2 misteri ini. tiada hadiah menanti anda!

Feb 2, 2009

A Pic A Day Keep Girls Nearer #10

ini boot baru Encik Muhammad Hasanuddin yang di sponsor oleh Adidas Corp selepas perpindahan dari kelab bola sepak Urawa Red ke .... alamak, lupe ar name team ko mad. nanti ko update ng aku wokeh

Feb 1, 2009

please keep life more colorful, more peaceful to live

You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them. [Q 17:36]

The only ones who fabricate false doctrines are those who do not believe in GOD's revelations; they are the real liars. [16:105]

Those are the ones whom GOD has sealed their hearts, and their hearing, and their eyesight. Consequently, they remain unaware. [16:108]

And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? [54: 17, 22, 32, 40]<- yup, 4 times

p/s: for those who terasa, just think and be matured