Mar 28, 2008

Jumaat dan Tangga

Hari ini hari Jumaat. Hari yang dilabelkan kurang produktif disebabkan otak-otak yang bekerja sudah berada dalam keadaan cuti hujung minggu. Tapi tidak bagiku. Ke Kemaman pula terarah mindaku. Menanti hari yang paling GRAND. Menuju KSB atau Kemaman Supply Base untuk tujuan memeriksa barang-barang yang dihantar oleh vendor KHL terus mengganggu benak minda ku ini.

Tidak ku peduli lagi makanan-makanan enak yang disediakan oleh pihak pengurusan Nikko Hotel untukku sempena meraikan persaraan General Manager Carigali Hess, Mr. Michael John Peck. Ku terus melayani pemikiranku yang sudah berada di lampu isyarat sebelum masuk ke kawasan KSB itu. Merah....menunggu hijau yang tidak kunjung tiba, terlelap

PAP...Lamunanku terganggu.

"Bila mau pergi solat Jumaat ni?" Tanya memberku

Baruku teringat, hari ini hari Jumaat. Terpisat-pisat menyapu mataku daripada kemengantukan melanda. Aku terus bangun, berjalan keluar dari Junior Ballroom Hotel Nikko seiringan. Sudah lewat ni, kompem tak dapat tempat untuk solat di masjid Asy-Syakirin nanti.

Kuterus mengikut jejak langkah memberku dari belakang, menuju KLCC untuk menukar selipar. Bimbang hilang di masjid nanti. Saat-saat sebegini memang dinantikan oleh pencari-pencari selipar atau lebih dikenali sebagai pencuri untuk mencari duit lebih

Teringat kata-kata dari salah seorang bekas staf dulu, berniaga adalah perkara yang paling akhir untuk sesorang menjadi kaya. Sebelum berniaga itu adalah mencuri, merompak, menculik. Pendek kata semuanya tidak baik kecuali berniaga.

Aku sampai di masjid dalam 1.30pm. Penuh. Orang-orang berkeliaran mencari tempat termasuk ku. Melilau pandangan ku mencari tempat. Tiada. Ku cemas. Ini pertama kali terjadi sebegini. Ku duduk di atas tangga di bawah terik cahaya mentari. Penuh khusyuk mendengar khutbah dengan harapan menggunung tinggi untuk mendapat tempat di dalam nanti...

Ku hampa. Iqamah berkumandang selepas habis khutbah kedua, tapi aku masih di tangga. Takbiratul ihram dilaungkan oleh Imam. Aku pun mengangkat takbiratul ihram....di atas tangga selebar dua tapak kaki yang dirapatkan itu aku bersolat Jumaat dengan tenang.

Mar 27, 2008

Safety is Me, Myself and I

Since I have come across the below phrase, I can't stop thinking that the quotes below can make a lot change to others people life from our behavior. You are responsible in whatever your action is.

Of course you cannot save the world alone, but at least, saving a people life, physically or psychologically, is enough to give him/her see the beauty of the life. Enjoy

"I chose to look the other way"

I could have saved a life today, But I chose to look the other way.
It wasn’t that I didn’t care, I had the time, and I was there.

But I didn’t want to seem a fool, Or argue over a safety rule.
I knew he’d done the job before, If I called it wrong, he might get sore.

The chances didn’t seem that bad, I’ve done the same, he knew I had.
So I shook my head and walked on by, He knew the risks as well as I.

He took the chance, I closed an eye, And with that act, I let him die.
I could have saved a life today, But I chose to look the other way.

Now every time I see his wife, I’ll know I should have saved his life.
That guilt is something I must bear, But it isn’t something you need to share.

If you see a risk that others take, That puts their health or life at stake.
The question asked, or thing you say, Could help them live another day.

If you see a risk and walk away, Then hope you never have to say,
I could have saved a life today, But I chose to look the other way.

Mar 24, 2008

Selamat tinggal Sayang

Penghujung September 2005,

Ku tenung wajahmu sedalam-dalam mungkin...ku akur dengan kehendak hatimu, kuterima isi hati yang diluahkan kepadaku dengan cukup tulus ikhlas. This is my first love, I think. Truthfully, I didn't feel anything about her before this. Tak pernah ada seorang yang bernama wanita menghampiriku dan mengucapkan kata-kata indah itu di telingaku. Ku akur. Sesungguhnya jauh dalam sudut hatiku, ku amat bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerna masih ada yang meminati diri yang serba serbi kurang ini. Masih ada yang meminggirkan paras rupa sebagai alat untuk mendekati diri ini.

Kita mengharung jerih payah bersama. Tidak langsung kusedari yang satu semester sudah berlalu. Segala masalah diluahkan bersama. Diselesaikan bersama. Walaupun hari-hari kita tidak selalu cerah, kita tetap bersama mengharungi mendung yang datang walau sekejap. Tidak pernah kulupa wajahmu pabila seribu satu masalah melanda.

Ku setia padamu. Tiada yang lain di hati ini.

Awal Julai 2006

Ku amat kecewa dengan keputusan peperiksaan akhir untuk semester Januari 2006. Tidak dapatku bayangkan yang aku tidak berjaya mempertahankan 3 pointer title yang kucipta sendiri ini. Apakah 2.17 ini akan menghancurkan masa depan diri ini?

Maafkan aku sayang...Sesungguhnya semester Januari 2006 amat mencabar buatku. Baru aku tahu yang diri ini merupakan orang yang ketiga muncul dalam hidupmu dan bekas teman lelakimu sebelum ini. Jikalau kutahu sebelum ini, tidak kuhampiri dan tidak kuterima cintamu. Aku tidak mengerti apakah yang membuatmu mencari diri ini dikala kau bergaduh dengan teman lelaki mu...

Adakah aku dijadikan back-up?Sungguh hina diri ini. Cintaku dikhianati, aku sudah tidak tahan lagi bila mendengar berita-berita panas yang dibawa teman-temanku. Berita yang mengatakan kau sering keluar kembali dengan si dia. Tapi kenapa dikau masih melafazkan kata-kat cintamu terhadapku?

Siapakah aku???Seorang lelaki yang diduakan atau seorang lelaki yang dayus membiarkan diri ini dipermainkan olehnya...

Selamat tinggal sayang...kubiarkan kata-kata itu jauh dalam hatiku tanpa diluahkan...

Mar 20, 2008


Ku tenung wajah mu dari kejauhan. Ayu sekali. Sekadar merenung dari jauh sudah cukup puas bagi ku. Bukan ku tidak mahu mendekatinya, tapi apakan daya, aku tidak seberani itu. Kau terlalu cantik buatku yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa keistimewaan ini.

Siapalah aku...Tidak kaya, tidak juga mempunyai rupa. Hanya seorang yang sederhana menunggu keajaiban jatuh dari langit. Keajaiban yang tidak diketahui. Biarlah masa dan takdir menentukan nasib ku ini.

Kenapa kau perlu muncul dalam hidup ku? Gerak geri mu cukup menawan hati ku. Adakah aku sudah jatuh hati kepada mu. Ku sedar, siapalah aku disisimu. Mungkin engkau langsung tidak pandang kewujudan diri ini. Tapi, senyuman mu sudah cukup membuat aku selesa di tempatku. Biarlah senyumanmu terhadap ku mekar buat selama-lamanya. Aku tak sanggup kehilangannya.

Aku cukup lemah dengan kaum Hawa yang dikategorikan 'cantik' atau 'lawa'...ku tidak tau apakah aku seorang yang mempunyai kelemahan ini. Bila berpeluang bersama mereka, lidah ku kelu, badan ku kaku, mata ku kuyu...simtom-simtom biasa terjadi yang menyebabkan aku dilabel sebagai 'sombong'.

Aku tidak mahu begini. Ingin ku dekati dan mendengar luahan hati dan berkongsi masalah dengan mereka. Aku tidak seperti mereka-mereka yang mudah bergaul. Dengki.


Akan ku dekati mu suatu hari nanti

Mar 14, 2008

How to Stay Young

I love the message that tried to deliver by the owner, George Carlin. I don't know him,you also don't know him. Who knows him? Who knows...Maybe some of us already read this article before, but seriously it made me wondering why didn't I apply these before.

Anyway, it is a good article. So, enjoy and apply them...=)

George Carlin's Views on aging


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning.Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen.Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.

me : credit to Mr. Rizzat for this interesting article. It really makes me young...hehehe..=p

Tips for Loving Couples Part 1

Keep Love Alive—Even if you have been together for a long time, you can keep love alive by reviving the kinds of things you did in the romantic phase of the relationship, such as lots of spontaneous hugs, and kisses, hand-holding, and small courtesies.
me : the surprising things really works. I've tried before

Get in the Habit of Being Spontaneous—The unexpected gift of a favorite food, flowers, a book by a favorite author, or a new CD can help keep the spark lit. It may seem unromantic to schedule six months worth of partner-surprises in your appointment book, but it may be the best way to learn spontaneity.
me : this really shows you are not a typical type. just don't do same things over and over again

Appreciate Your Differences—Recognize that it is natural for your partner to have pursuits of his or her own and it is only fair that he/she be allowed to follow them as long as it does not strain the relationship.
me : isn't trying to understand what ur partner doing is the best things?

Stop, Talk and Listen—Maintain emotional closeness by setting aside time to express your thoughts and feelings about work, hobbies, and friends. Listen carefully to your partner’s thoughts and feelings. Make it a habit to schedule a set time for intensive sharing each week.
me : sharing is caring right?but not daring =p

The Many Faces of Love—Keep in mind all of the roles of a mate: confidante, friend, lover, caregiver, and when applicable, parent or member of an extended family. Nurture all of these roles so that none are neglected more than absolutely necessary (sudden illness, unforeseen travel) and all have a place in your relationship.
me : see! you can become a dad, mom,bro, sis, blablabla. it just you can adept in any situation to apply ur love.

Agree to Disagree—If you and your partner seem to agree on everything, chances are there is something wrong with the relationship. Either one of you doesn't know your own mind, or cannot face up to conflict or your partner. Part of your initial attraction should have been your differences and what they bring to the relationship.
me : it just the salt and spice in couple's life. its not a perfect life

It’s All in How You View Your Differences—If you view differences with your partner as stemming from mostly value-neutral differences in upbringing or biologically-influenced (e.g. sex-linked or innate temperament) behavioral dispositions and not as a matter of right vs. wrong or not being loved enough, you should be able to react to them with graceful, genuine, and willing tolerance.
me : to be simple, just act positively towards ur couple. eventhough, ur life is miserable unless its affecting ur future (those whose experienced it before, you knew that when you are too deep thinking bout it, can you study?no study no good result. no good result no job. no job no money. no money, do ur couple wants u?)

It’s Better to Sleep Angry Than Stay Mad—It is actually better to go to bed angry than to risk damaging your relationship by taking pot-shots and blind-siding your partner with harsh words you may regret later. State that you are upset and will talk about it later when you’ve had time to cool off and sort through your feelings. Doing so will help you see both perspectives better in the light of day.
me : just don't keep ur feeling inside. it will explode some day

Hear Each Other Out—When you have a serious discussion about making improvements in the relationship, arrange at least an hour to discuss the issue. Come prepared to exercise self-control and to listen with an open mind to what your partner has to say. Take turns listening without interrupting the other. The restraint you practice translates to respect for each other.
me : just thinking that you go to an important meeting without ur presentation, pamphlet and speech?can you do it? this is just same case to avoid any unplanned result afterwards

Develop Your Couple Skills—Skill in providing empathy, compassion, trust, openness, intimacy, and honesty; knowing when and how to change yourself in loving ways; and helping your partner do the same, are the true love potions of relationships. Make it your business to seek out and participate in skill-training programs that will teach you those behavioral skills.
me : learn, learn and learn on the skills is very important. this is general where not only skill about coupling is important. gain experience, feel the love and you will succeed in ur relationship

p/s : me have no couple, stay single is simple, couple is trouble...=p

Mar 13, 2008


As the earth rotates around, I didn't realize that sometimes I missed a lot of minor things that may affect my daily life...Today gives me a lot of thinking work.

Today is the first day I've been to seminar "Excel for Engineers" conducted by my company at MidValley. All of the participants are monitored by personnel from people and capability dept. Nisha is the name called. A typical Asian and small girl in age late 20. I knew her since I joined this company in December.

First thought bout her, an Indian girl with active personality and very flexible with the people surrounding. Of course, she's from department that deal with people.

After the seminar ends at 5 pm, just crossed my mind to went back to office to update the pendiing jobs. and Nisha not hesitate to attach me to KLCC. Seeing her car straight away change my mindset bout her...there are sticker with holy sentences from Al-Quran...

Confusing...her appearance show more like she is an Indian, calling her name seems like she is an Indian.

Since the issue is rather sensitive to certain person, I don't feel like to ask her regarding this matter.

Trying to find the way out from the maze, I checked her mailed when arrived at the office...surprisingly for this 3 month, now I knew that

Firdaus Nisha Muhammad Faizal
People Capability

Suddenly, a famous, old song appears from anywhere titled "What A Woderful World"

Is she the one?

"what the..."

I don't want to see her again. Seriously. Hate her. Why? Why me? Why don't other guys?

She smiled innocently as passed thru my side without word. Silent. As all other people were blindly waiting for our next moves. Pain in my chest unsustainable anymore.

Nevermind. Better for me to make moves.

"Babe. Why are doing this to me? Am I mean nothing to you until now?"

Silent comes again without inviting. Pain. And finally,

"Can't I have both of you? I can't live with both of you and I also can't live without you"

Once again I said,

"What the...."

Why all girls I knew until now have this feeling? Even owned one guy can't satisfy them. *sigh*

Is there any one last and nice girl for me out there?Tears drop without warning. Am I crying for this stupid girl? Am I labeled as a gentlemen by dropping tears for her? What is the worth?

She seems trying to say something...but, thanks babe for all this time,

and here I am...single again. Free

Beyonce UTP version

sweet memory of mine...the happiness gained during students life...
To whoever out there, appreciate ur students life and enjoy to the fullest before u regret it.
anyway, just want to share with you all guys...
enjoy the show k.

p/s : It's me in there???